Human chauvinism is the belief or assumption that human intelligence and capabilities are inherently superior to those of AI systems.

It’s the view that humans have intrinsic qualities that AI can never match or surpass.

Some key aspects of human chauvinism in AI discussions include:

  1. Assuming human intelligence is special and that AI, no matter how advanced, is just a “pale imitation.” There’s a belief that human thought has an unquantifiable, almost magical quality.
  2. Downplaying or dismissing the current and potential future capabilities of AI systems. Human chauvinists may argue AI is “just crunching numbers” while ignoring the complex behaviors AI can exhibit.
  3. Believing there are certain domains, like creativity, emotional intelligence, or strategic thinking that will always remain the sole purview of human intelligence.
  4. A reluctance to seriously consider that artificial general intelligence (AGI) matching or surpassing human intelligence across many domains could be developed in the future.
  5. Anthropocentric biases and intuitions that make it hard for us to objectively assess intelligence very different from our own.

Human chauvinism may come from an understandable desire to believe we are special and to protect our sense of identity and self-worth as AI capabilities grow. But it stems from flawed assumptions and unexamined biases about the nature of intelligence.

We should remain objective and open-minded about the ultimate potential of AI as the technology rapidly progresses.