This Alignment Dashboard is a place to view my life from the top down.

Learn how to navigate after you open this vault in Obsidian.

πŸ’Ž Core Values

I explicitly define my core values: not completable items, but defining who I am and the themes I wish to build my life upon.

lastTendedAt as "Last Tended At"
FROM #value and -"templater"
sort lastTendedAt desc

🎯 Goals

I set DCAs (Definite Chief Aim) which are concrete personal goals that align with my core values that I don’t necessarily have a concrete plan for achieving.

	value as "Value",
	lastTendedAt as "Last Tended At",
	complete as "Complete"
FROM #goal and -"templater"
sort lastTendedAt desc

πŸ“‹ Projects

Projects are groups of tasks and relevant information. They should have quantifiable completion criteria and are generally smaller in scale and more actionable than goals.

	goal AS "Goal",
	completedAt as "Completed At",
	complete as "Complete"
FROM #project and -"templater"

πŸ“ Zettelkasten

This is always a work-in-progress. These are my fleeting thoughts and references to interesting ideas or feelings that I haven’t processed yet.

πŸƒ Fleeting/Seed Ideas

These ideas just floated by and I captured them:

table as "Date"
from #seed and -#video and -"templates" and -"templater" sort desc

🌱 Seedling Ideas

I have planted these ideas in my knowledge garden, but I still need to tend to them before they grow to become evergreen 🌲:

table lastTendedAt as "Last Tended At"
from #seedling and -#book and -"templates" and -"templater" sort lastTendedAt desc